9月最初の週末、ティム・バートン監督のホラーコメディ「ビートルジュース ビートルジュース」(ワーナー)が大ヒットスタートを切り、北米映画市場は好調に推移しました。本作は、...moreバートン監督の出世作とな...
Amazon公式のオーディオブック制作プラットフォームであるAudiobook Creation Exchange(ACX)が、より多くの書籍をオーディオブック化する試みの一環として、「ナレーターが自分...more音声レプリカを作成し、書籍の読み上げに使われたタイトルごとにナレーターへ報酬が入るシステム」をスタートしました。アメリカ限定のベータ版には、すでに少数のナレーターが招待されているとのことです。
While Oracle’s outlook for the current quarter was in line with expectations, the company could boost its fiscal 2026 outlook at Thursday’s investor day.
When he wasn't coaching Ole Miss to a 52-3 win, Lane Kiffin posted about all sorts of college football related topics this weekend.
Kim Kardashian was one of many stars in attendance a the Caring for Women Dinner hosted by The Kering Foundation in New York City on Sept. 9. Co-hosting the philanthropic event alongside Salma Hayek and Priyanka Chopra, Kardashian complemented a white leather dress with knife-life black pumps. Kim Kardashian at the Kering Caring for Women Dinner during New York Ready to Wear Fashion Week held at The Pool on September 9, 2024 in New York, New York. The SKIMS founder went with her signature fitted look, wearing a tight ankle-length dress made of a material with a latex-like shine. The sleeve...moreless dress boasted a textured ruching effect and a scalloped trim along the scooped neckline. The medium-width straps were also enhanced with a non-linear outline. Kardashian went light on the accessories, embracing a minimalist aesthetic. Meanwhile, her hair was worn out in long gelled waves that recalled her 2019 Met Gala look which was meant to evoke a woman stepping out of the ocean. A closer look at Kim Kardashian’s shoes. Kardashian slipped on patent leather pumps to round out the ensemble and bring to life the timeless black and white color combination. Staying true to the classic pump formation, the shoes were enclosed in the front, back and along the sides while the top of the foot was allowed to breathe with a low vamp. Clean and discernible lines create the quintessential pump silhouette, from the arched sole to the narrow stiletto heel. While pumps come in many variations, the pointed-toe iteration is one of the most popular for the way in which it easily sharpens an ensemble. A glossy patent leather pair like Kardashian’s can be found from a myriad of brands, whether it’s Jimmy Choo or Nine West. Kim Kardashian at the Kering Caring for Women Dinner during New York Ready to Wear Fashion Week held at The Pool on September 9, 2024 in New York, New York. Speaking of sharp pumps, Kardashian wore Balenciaga’s Draped Pantabodysuit earlier this year; the outfit comes with the Knife pump style built in, creating a uniform look. In another Balenciaga moment this year, she paired the brand’s Witch 110 mm boots with a long fitted gray dress. See more of Kardashian’s 2024 shoe style below. Kim Kardashian’s Best Shoe Moments in 2024 So Far View Gallery 5 Images...
Consumer goods giant Unilever PLC NL:UNA UK:ULVR is set to sell its Russian business, according to reports.
In this week’s column, investments in AI and market expansion lead the way. The State of Generative AI Coresight Research’s latest market report took a deep look in the use of generative AI and data by retailers. The firm examined how companies are using the technology and where investments are being made. What they found is a “fragmented landscape” of retail applications as well as investments that are pegged to soar over the next few years. The firm said in the report, titled “AI and Unified Data: Empowering Next-Generation Product and Shopper Intelligence,” that the combined market fo...morer GenAI hardware and applications “totals $79.8 billion in 2024 — and it will grow quickly over the next few years, to $235.5 billion in 2028.” Authors of the report also said the AI applications segment, including GenAI models, “is set to grow 4.5 times in that timeframe — outpacing hardware, with estimated compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) for 2024–2028 of 46.3 percent and 24.9 percent, respectively.” Regarding the fragmented landscape of retail applications, the authors noted that date generated is frequently managed separately depending upon the function. Demand forecasting, marketing, merchandising and pricing data are often in separate buckets, which “leads to the development of uncoordinated strategies and an overall disjointed and poor understanding of data and resulting decisions within an organization,” the report stated, adding that, for example, “marketing strategies and tactics may not be harmonized with pricing strategies, which could result in a failure to capture the target market.” Improving Customer Service When it comes to improving the shopping experience with personalization, retailers need to do more. According to the just-released 2024 Retail Customer Experience (CX) Index, which was done by Incisiv and in partnership with Talkdesk Inc., 34 percent of all retailers are “personalizing just one-third of their shopper journey,” the authors of the report said, adding that while retailers are trying to keep pace with technology trends, “gaps remain across capability adoption and customer expectations.” But researchers did find some bright spots, “because as brands have prioritized customer experience strategies in recent years, maturity levels have trended upward.” The authors of the report also found that artificial intelligence (AI)-powered virtual assistant integration swelled from 38 percent in 2022 to 59 percent this year. And personalized recommendations by support agents jumped to 27 percent in 2022 to 49 percent in 2024. Dave Weinand, chief customer officer at Incisiv, said the findings “reveal that while retailers have made significant strides in customer experience, there remains a critical gap between consumer expectations and what is currently being delivered. Retailers must accelerate their adoption of advanced technologies, particularly AI and automation, to deliver the hyper-personalized, efficient service today’s consumers demand.” “This index is a crucial benchmark for retailers to understand where they stand and what steps they need to take to enhance their customer engagement strategies,” Weinand added. The report also noted that apparel and footwear retailers, followed by luxury retailers, lead at adopting customer engagement strategies. Apparel and footwear retailers “are at the forefront of customer interaction by effectively utilizing text messaging, voice communication, and an omnichannel live chat experience to enhance customer engagement significantly,” the report noted. Ed D...
Pope Francis drew a crowd of 600,000 people as he held an outdoor mass in Timor-Leste on Tuesday that reflected on the joy of childbirth.
TEL AVIV : Cloud software firm Salesforce said on Tuesday its Hyperforce cloud platform was now available in Israel, which will allow sensitive government and companies' data to stay local.The platform, two years in the making, will initially run on Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure and possibly la
Democratic governments suppress protests at home but preach human rights abroad, Climate Rights International has said Rich democratic nations are deploying harsh measures against climate change activists, while criticizing states in the Global South for similar actions, according to a report by Climate Rights International. The report highlights the increasingly “heavy-handed treatment” of eco activists in Australia, Germany, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, the UK, and the US, emphasizing that authorities in those nat...moreions are violating their legal commitments to protect basic human rights. According to the study, the drastic steps taken by governments in nations perceived as democratic include lengthy prison terms, preventive detention, and intimidation and harassment online and in the media. The 70-page report entitled “On Thin Ice: Disproportionate Responses to Climate Change Protesters in Democratic Countries” also highlights how such governments criticize authorities in developing nations for not respecting the right to peaceful protest. “Governments too often take such a strong and principled view about the right to peaceful protest in other countries – but when they don’t like certain kinds of protests at home they pass laws and deploy the police to stop them,” the executive director of Climate Rights International, Brad Adams, told The Guardian. Read more Eco activists vandalize Heathrow airport (VIDEO) Judicial authorities in several countries including the UK, Germany and the US have been imposing “record-breaking” sentences for “non-violent protest,” the report said, emphasizing that some national and state governments are using preemptive arrests and detention of those suspected of planning rallies. Governments in Western states are also adopting new laws to make the vast majority of protests illegal, and allowing more severe penalties for demonstrators, the report noted. The researchers accused Western authorities of undermining the right to a fair trial by taking legal steps to stop juries from hearing about people’s motives for taking part in protests during court hearings. In one UK case in July, five Just Stop Oil protesters were convicted of conspiracy to cause public nuisance by blocking a highway, and were handed the longest-ever sentences for a nonviolent protest. One of the group received a five-year sentence, while four others received four-year terms....
After rallying around free college in 2016 and 2020, Democrats aren’t emphasizing the idea in 2024.
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※9/10(火) 10:17配信 プレジデントオンライン 結婚時に夫婦が同姓か別姓かを選べる「選択的夫婦別姓」が争点になっている自民党総裁選。反対派の主張は「別姓だと家族の絆や一体性が弱まる」だが、本当にそうなのか。昭和女子大学特命教授の八代尚宏さんは「若い世代は別姓選択に賛成であり、それを無視した決定をする...
【速報】斎藤知事に兵庫県議全員86人が「辞職要求」へ 全会派に無所属4人も 知事は改めて辞職否定「来年度予算の議論含めてしっかりやっていきたい」 ※9/10(火) 13:47読売テレビニュース 兵庫県の斎藤元彦知事の“パワハラ”などの疑惑を告発された問題で、無所属の県議4人も辞職を要求することが分かりました。86人...
解答用紙 浜崎あゆみ、セーラー服衣装でギャルピース 期末テストでも珍回答「浜崎画伯」「可愛いしオモロイ」 浜崎あゆみが9月9日、自身のInstagramを更新。“浜崎学園”と呼ばれるファンクラブ限定ライブ『TA LIMITED ~Thank U tour~ 2024』などのオフショットを公開した。 浜崎...
サウジアラビア代表のロベルト・マンチーニ監督が、中国代表戦に向けての前日会見で意欲を語った。『香港01』が伝える。 アジアを代表する強豪のひとつ、サウジアラビア代表は、2026年北中米ワールドカップ(W杯)アジア最終予選A組を引き分け発進。 ホームでインドネシア代表と1-1ドローに終わり、マンチーニ監督として...
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東京大の藤井輝夫学長は10日に記者向けの説明会を開き、教育環境の改善のため、学部生の授業料を2025年度から2割引き上げる案を正式に示した。世帯収入に応じた経済的支援の拡充を併せて検討していると説明。学内会議に案として諮り、「速やかに決めたい。問題なく了承されれば、9月中には決定する見込みだ」とした。 ...
※9/10(火) 17:30配信 FRIDAY 《ごめんなさい。しばらく休館します》 こうXにポストしたのは青森県十和田市にある『温泉民宿 南部屋(なんぶや)』の公式Xだ。9月10日時点で3800万回を超える表示がされており非常に注目されている。 事の発端は、4日の別のXのアカウントのポストだ。 元鉄道運転士のユーザー...
2024.09.10 あるインフルエンサーが裸のように見える姿で、池袋PARCO(東京都豊島区)で開催中の展覧会「オシャレ魔女 ラブ and ベリー展~オシャレまほうミュージアム~」に現れ、X上に写真を投稿したことで批判を集めている。 パルコ広報は取材に、入場時は着衣状態だったとし、脱衣した際は「都度、...
2024年10月14日(月・祝)東京都内にて開催される新規格闘技イベント『ROMAN ONE(ローマン ワン)』の記者会見が都内にて行われ、注目の3競技、 時間無制限バーリトゥードルール、道着着用MMAルール、新柔術のルール説明と対戦カードを発表した。大会は無観客でYouTubeライブ配信、 海外向けに英語実況も行う。 ROMA...
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2024年9月10日19時36分 パワハラ疑惑などで告発された兵庫県の斎藤元彦知事(46)が連日、話題になっている。 大阪府知事で日本維新の会の吉村洋文共同代表(49)は前日9日、大阪府庁で記者団の取材に応じ、斎藤知事に辞職を促したことについて言及。日本維新の会は同日、斎藤氏の辞職と出直し選挙を求める申し入れ書...