1. MileIQ: Mileage Tracker & Log - MileIQ Inc.
無料 ファイナンス © MileIQ Inc 2024 January 15, 2013-
Automatically log your work drives with MileIQ, the effortless way to save time and maximize your tax deductions or mileage reimbursements. MileIQ runs in the background on your phone, tracking every mile you drive, so you never miss a trip. Trusted by millions and used by businesses and professionals alike, MileIQ has logged over 80 billion miles and helped users get back over $10 billion in deductions and reimbursements, making it the #1 app for mileage tracking. Easily categorize your drives with a simple swipe—right for business, left for personal. MileIQ’s smart features can even group round trips and auto-classify your frequent drives, making both tax preparation and expense reimbursement a breeze. Whether you’re tracking driving miles for taxes or business expenses, MileIQ en...
3. EveryDollar: Personal Budget - The Lampo Group Incorporated
無料 ファイナンス © 2023 Lampo Licensing, LLC February 27, 2015-
EveryDollar: Personal Budget Track Expenses, Plan Finances EveryDollar is your personal budget app. Create custom budgets, track your expenses, plan your spending, set—and reach—your goals, and keep up with your finances. Every single dollar. Every single day. Get started today—for free! KEEP TRACK OF YOUR MONEY WITH EASE Your personal budget should fit in your back pocket. It should be simple to set up and keep up with. That’s EveryDollar. Create your first budget in minutes. Track your monthly spending quickly, easily and accurately. Adjust your numbers anytime, anywhere. And know at a glance what’s left to spend—so you don’t overspend. SEE ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS—ALL IN ONE PLACE With EveryDollar, you can see your budget and all your financial accounts all in one place—from chec...
5. YNAB - You Need A Budget LLC
無料 ファイナンス Copyright © 2025 You Need A Budget LLC 2015年10月19日-
Where does all your money go? Exactly where you tell it to! “We started YNAB January 1st with $37 saved and ended the year with $42,000. Plus we paid $14,000 cash for a new roof.” -Kyle, YNAB user since 2020 If you’re like the average YNABer (just AVERAGE), you’ll save $600 in the first two months. And $6,000 in the first year. But you might experience something much more powerful than a growing bank account balance or paid off credit cards: 92% of YNABers report feeling less stressed since starting YNAB. “YNAB has removed the stress of money from my life and in doing so has helped make me a better husband. It's like I got to remove a personal flaw I had never been able to fix." -Kyle, again. We didn’t even pay him to say this, but maybe we should. Every dollar represents you—it’s ...
7. TradingView: FX、株価 チャート・ビットコイン - TradingView
無料 ファイナンス © TradingView, Inc. 2017年4月24日-
一言で言えば、私たちのサービスは世界中の人々が市場をチャート化して、チャット、トレードを行う場所です。9,000万人以上の人々が、トレードの際により良い明確な判断を行う為に、当社のソーシャルネットワークと超高性能のスーパーチャートを利用しています。アプリをダウンロードすると、無料のチャート、アラート、高度なウォッチリストにアクセスできるほか、他のトレーダーと最新のトレンドについて話し合うこともできます。以下で充実の各種機能をご紹介します: 世界最高水準のチャート トレーダーの通過儀礼であるチャートは、洞察力を強化します。何百万人ものトレーダーが、市場でより良い判断を下すために、無料で当社のチャートを利用しています。私たちのチャートはどのデバイスでも動作し、多くのデスクトップ環境のトレードプラットフォームよりも優れています。株式、為替、暗号資産、先物、CFDなどを検索でき、豊富な描画ツール(ギャン・フ...
9. dub | Copy Trade Anyone - DASTA Incorporated
無料 ファイナンス © 2024 DASTA Incorporated (“dub”) June 13, 2023-
dub is like Instagram for investing. 1. You can copy other investors: copy trade Politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Hedge Fund Managers like Warren Buffett, top traders on Twitter / X, and more! 2. OR you can get copied: anyone can make a stock portfolio, publish it, and get copied by other dub users. HOW DO YOU COPY? - A portfolio is a basket of stocks, like an ETF. - Copy a portfolio with any amount of $, the same way you buy a single stock. Then you buy each stock in the portfolio at its % weight. - When the portfolio you copy trades, you automatically trade at the same time and price. It's magical. COPY PORTFOLIOS MADE BY OTHER USERS AND PROFESSIONALS - Today, you can copy influential finance personalities from platforms like X (Twitter) or SeekingAlpha and current/former Hedge Fund ...
11. Mileage Tracker by Everlance - Everlance Inc.
無料 ファイナンス © 2025 Everlance Inc. August 20, 2015-
Everlance helps mobile workers save time and money by automating the tedious everyday tasks of tracking business mileage & expenses. If you've never tracked mileage before, you'll be surprised at how quickly this adds up. Every mile driven for work is worth $0.70 in 2025. Join over 3.5 million independent workers who have made the switch to automatic mileage & expense tracking. Everlance's feature set as an all-in-one companion for the mobile worker is robust, but simple and easy to use. We operate in the background, so you can focus on your business. No need to be in the app stopping and starting for every trip, no need to navigate through tedious processes to claim your deductions. Just simply go for a drive, and swipe to claim it. Want to deduct your expenses too? Sync an account and ...
13. Webull: Investing & Trading - Webull Technologies Pte. Ltd.
無料 ファイナンス © 2024 Webull January 17, 2017-
BE REWARDED BY JOINING WEBULL - Get free stocks by making a qualified initial deposit. - Claim 1-month free Nasdaq TotalView when signing up. INVEST, TRADE & SAVE ALL IN ONE PLACE - Trade Stocks, ETFs, Options, Futures, Bonds, and more in a single platform. - Invest with tech built for you, including Webull Smart Advisor and recurring investments. - Earn on your idle cash with a high APY. PAY LESS FOR YOUR INVESTMENTS - Pay no commission on stocks, ETFs, and options trades, and no contract fees on equity options*. - Trade micro, mini, and regular futures contracts at only $0.25, $0.70, and $1.25, respectively. - Reach your trading potential with a lower margin rate. AWARD-WINNING PLATFORM WITH EASY-TO-USE TOOLS - Award-winning platforms built for all investors, allowing you to trade via...
15. Stocks To Buy Now : AI Signals - Hello Stocker
無料 ファイナンス © .2024 StocksToBuyNow, New York, United-States February 3, 2022-
Email: support@stockstobuynow.ai Trustpilot Reviews: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/stockstobuynow.ai Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stockstobuynow.ai Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/posts/anesshusseinali_multibagger-activity-7260416453328138242-S41Q Stocks To Buy Now AI sends you hot stocks to buy before they blow up! Our advanced AI trading model, perfected for over 15 years, and used at Goldman Sachs and Bank of America helps you profit 30x faster! About Us: • Managed Billions for Wall Street Hedge Funds. • Former Goldman Sachs and Bank of America Directors • Built AI tools for big tech giants. • Math PhDs and Macro Economic experts. • Delivered x5 to x30 stock picks returns on over 100 stocks: Nvidia Stock: +3,290% bought at $5. Palantir Stock : +1,130% in 2 years bou...
17. LifeLock Identity - Gen Digital Inc.
無料 ファイナンス Copyright © 2024 Gen Digital Inc. All rights reserved. November 26, 2018-
With so much of your personal information online, it’s dangerously easy for someone to steal your identity. Download LifeLock now and enroll right from the app. We’re here to help 24/7. LifeLock makes it easy to help protect yourself against identity theft, financial fraud, and more. We detect and alert you to possible threats, and if you think your identity may have been stolen, we work to fix it. All plans have our Million Dollar Protection Package††† that includes up to $3 million coverage in our most comprehensive plan†††. Why LifeLock Identity? • Over a third of identity theft victims suffered multiple types of identity theft.* • Over 29 billion dollars were stolen from identity theft victims in 2022.** LifeLock helps you manage your personal information securely on-the-go. Re...
19. Splitwise - Splitwise, Inc.
無料 ファイナンス © Splitwise, Inc. 2011年8月24日-
Splitwise is the easiest way to share expenses with friends and family and stop stressing about “who owes who”. Millions of people around the world use Splitwise to organize group bills for households, trips, and more. Our mission is to reduce the stress and awkwardness that money places on our most important relationships. Splitwise is great for: - Roommates splitting rent and apartment bills - Group trips around the world - Splitting a vacation house for skiing or at the beach - Weddings and bachelor/bachelorette parties - Couples sharing relationship costs - Friends and co-workers who go out to lunch or dinner together frequently - Loans and IOUS between friends - And so much more Splitwise is simple to use: - Create groups or private friendships for any splitting situation - Add e...
2. Copilot: Track & Budget Money - Copilot Money, Inc.
無料 ファイナンス © 2019-2025 Copilot Money, Inc. August 19, 2019-
2024 Apple Design Award Finalist "An app that I love and use." - MKBHD "The future of personal finance" - Apple App Store Clear, beautiful, trusted. Copilot Money is the app that makes money simple. Now available for iPhone, Mac, and iPad. Copilot gives you incredible clarity into all your accounts, plus smart ways to categorize, budget, view your recurring subscriptions, and more. And without all the "work" of Mint and others, since Copilot learns to auto-categorize your spending — while keeping your data safe with bank-level security. Copilot is on your side, in a world where banks and other apps are trying to sell you, not help you. It's a paid subscription, which means we'll never show you ads for credit cards you don't need, or sell your data to others. And you can chat with u...
4. Rocket Money - Bills & Budgets - Rocket Money
無料 ファイナンス © 2024 Rocket Money, Inc. July 5, 2016-
Join over 5 million members in using Rocket Money, the all-in-one personal finance app. Save more, spend less, see everything, and take back control of your financial life. “One of the best personal finance apps we've tested.” - PC Mag KEY FEATURES - Find and cancel forgotten subscriptions - Lower your bills and let Rocket Money negotiate on your behalf - Track your monthly expenses and avoid overdrafts - Create a budget that works for you - Put your savings on autopilot - Track and grow your net worth - Monitor your credit score - Bank-level security and privacy YOUR ALL-IN-ONE FINANCE APP Rocket Money makes it easier than ever to manage subscriptions, lower your bills, and stay on top of your spending. The app tracks all your accounts so you don’t have to – just link them once an...
6. Seeking Alpha: News & Analysis - Seeking Alpha Ltd.
無料 ファイナンス © Seeking Alpha 2012年9月5日-
あなたがフォローしている株の市場移動ニュースと分析を真っ先に認識しましょう。 より賢明な投資決定を下します。 Seeking Alpha アプリを使用すると、次の情報にアクセスできます: • 迅速に読むために作成されたリアルタイムの簡潔な金融ニュース • 投資家や業界の専門家からの市場動向分析と意見 • ウォッチリストの株式に関するニュース、調査、分析の即時アラート • 価格選択した株式とインデックスの見積もり、チャート、データ • 他のデバイスと同期して、機能全体で商品を簡単に追跡し、複数のマーケットウォッチリストを作成できる個人の株式市場ポートフォリオ • トレーダー、投資家、ビジネスリーダーのコミュニティ、ジャーナリストとブロガー、アイデアとヒントの共有 • 収益レポート、トランスクリプト、ファイリング 洞察を得て、投資目標を達成しましょう! Seeking Alphaは、世界最大の投資コミュニティであり、主要な株式市場アプリです...
8. Monarch: Budget & Track Money - Monarch Money, Inc.
無料 ファイナンス © 2024 Monarch Money, Inc. November 18, 2020-
Consider Monarch your home base for money clarity. Simplify your finances by bringing all your accounts into one easy view, have confidence in always knowing where your money is and where it's going, and collaborate with your partner or financial professional to track, budget, and reach goals together. Monarch has been recognized by the Wall Street Journal as the “Best Budgeting App,” by Forbes as the “Best Mint Replacement” and by Motley Fool as the “Best Budgeting App for Couples and Families.” Getting started is simple. Connect your accounts and Monarch will auto-categorize your finances, giving you actionable insights in minutes. Customize your dashboard to give you the information you need at a glance, including your net worth, recent transactions, how you’re tracking toward your bu...
10. Bitcoin Mining · Cloud Mining - Bitcoin Mining , Ltd
無料 ファイナンス © Bitcoin Mining , Ltd 2024年6月16日-
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The Bitcoin Mining App does not use your device as a miner, the processing is done off-device (cloud-based mining) while the app mines cryptocurrencies, just get BTC Miner NFTs within the App Set sail! From the smallest Satoshi to the full Bitcoin - no technical expertise required - join us on a transformative journey through blockchain. Why invest in expensive hardware or get hung up on technical jargon? Start your Bitcoin mining journey the smart way. You don't need expensive hardware. Simply choose the Bitcoin mining algorithm you want and start receiving BTC directly into your cryptocurrency wallet. Test the waters with our free Bitcoin mining contracts and prove how easy it is to generate passive income with our app. We use cloud mining technology to split co...
12. Repair, Build Credit: Dovly AI - Dovly, Inc.
無料 ファイナンス © Dovly, Inc. April 28, 2022-
With more than 700,000 downloads, Dovly’s AI-powered tools can help you build credit and boost your score by an average of 82 points* and hit those life goals—like buying a car, getting approved for a credit card or getting that dream home—sooner than you’d expect. AN AVERAGE 82-POINT CREDIT SCORE BOOST? YEAH, WE’RE THAT GOOD. Boost your credit score fast with an AI credit engine proven to optimize results. Download the only credit app you'll ever need and let Dovly’s AI credit engine work on your behalf to repair, build, monitor, and protect your credit score – 100% free. No credit card required. ACHIEVING LIFE MILESTONES MADE EASY WITH DOVLY AI’S CREDIT ENGINE Get approved for a new credit card, secure a mortgage, save money, start planning your future family - endless possibilities ...
14. Aura: Security & Protection - Get Aura Inc.
無料 ファイナンス © Aura February 17, 2021-
The smart, simple way to stay safe online. Aura is an all-in-one digital safety solution that helps keep you and your family safe from identity theft, financial fraud, and online threats. Our award-winning technology¹ monitors and alerts you if personal information, passwords, credit, and financial accounts are at risk. When it comes to fraud protection, every second counts. Aura alerts you to credit fraud up to 250x faster than the competition. Aura’s proactive protection helps stop threats before they strike. Aura provides peace of mind anywhere you go. ► FAST ALERTS ON THE GO Get identity and credit fraud alerts sent directly to your mobile device so you can take action and prevent financial loss. ► BROWSE ONLINE SAFELY Shop, bank, and browse more privately and securely with our ...
16. アトラスアース: Atlas Earth - Atlas Reality, Inc.
無料 ファイナンス © 2021 Atlas Reality, Inc. 2025年1月22日-
バーチャルランドを購入し、実際に引き換え可能なバーチャルレンタル収入を獲得! PayPal、Venmo、ギフトカードなどで換金可能! Atlas Earthは、実世界の位置情報を反映したバーチャルランドを購入できる位置情報ベースのアプリです。900平方フィート単位で仮想の土地を購入し、現実世界の近くに土地を所有できます! 所有する土地の1区画ごとに、1秒ごとにバーチャルレンタル収入が発生します。土地の価格はわずか$5からで、最初の1区画は無料です。ゲームを進めることで、無料で土地を獲得する方法もたくさんあります! Atlas Earthは世界最大のバーチャル不動産アプリで、アメリカ国内だけで登録ユーザー数は100万人近くに達しています。6秒ごとに新しい土地が売買され、毎日24時間取引が行われています。 ランキング&リーダー役職 リーダーボードを上り詰め、市長、知事、さらには大統領になりましょう! あなたの都市で最も多くの土地を所有すれば、市長...
18. SimplyWise: Receipts, Expenses - SimplyWise, Inc.
無料 ファイナンス © 2021 SimplyWise, Inc. December 5, 2020-
All-in-one solution for effortless expense management, receipts scanning, tax refund optimization, and hassle-free mileage tracking. Simplify your financial life with the most accurate receipt scanner, one-tap filing & expense categorization, smart reminders for tax deductions, instant expense reports, and more. AI-DRIVEN RECEIPT SCANNER • Scan and store receipts, bills, invoices, and important paperwork effortlessly with our AI-driven receipt scanner. • Capture key information, including store name, date, tip, sales tax, and total with our AI-driven receipt scanner. • Get notified of upcoming return deadlines based on store policies with smart reminders. YOUR DIGITAL EXPENSE MANAGER • Search and find what you need instantly, whether by expense category, store, or custom note. • Trac...
20. GoMining : デジタルマイニング 。 コインをゲット - Yucca Digital
無料 ファイナンス © 2023 GOMINING PTE. LTD. 2022年5月27日-
GoMiningは、世界中の実際のデータセンターやマイニング機器への遊び心のある投資形態です!世界中で20万人以上のコミュニティに参加しましょう! GoMining:あなたのデジタルマイニングの旅を力強く支える GoMiningへようこそ。デジタルマイニングの風景を変える先進的なプラットフォームです。GoMiningでは、マイナーと独自のトークンエコシステムの力を活用して、シームレスで効率的なマイニング体験を提供しています。 "仮想マイナーの世界を探索する GoMiningの仮想マイナーでマイニングの未来を探検しましょう。当社の仮想マイナーは単なるデジタルアセットではなく、物理的なハードウェアを管理する複雑さなしにマイニングプロセスに参加するための入り口です。各仮想マイナーは実際の計算能力を持ち、毎日の報酬を直接ウォレットに受け取ることができます。1から5,000 TH/sまでのオプションがあり、マイニングの拡張はこれまで以上に簡単でアクセスし...